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B2.1 Vocabulary to improve expression skills

B2.1 Vocabulary to improve expression skills

Íñigo Guisasola Zabala

Especialitat: Anglès

ISBN: 9788417734572

This book has been designed for the B2 level to give an answer to one of the main problems students face, vocabulary adquisition. The book is devoted to Writing, Speaking and Mediation skills which form the Expressive part of the language learning with vocabulary adquisition on its basis. There is also a section in eah unit focused on Pronunciation. The B2.1 book can be separately studied from the B2.2 as they DEAL with two parts of the same unit split in two to help students get more practice to achieve the B2 certificate.

PREU: 22,83 €

B2.2 Vocabulary to improve expression skills

B2.2 Vocabulary to improve expression skills

Íñigo Guisasola Zabala

Especialitat: Anglès

ISBN: 9788417734589

This book has been designed for the B2 level to give an answer to one of the main problems students face, vocabulary adquisition. The book is devoted to Writing, Speaking and Mediation skills which form the Expressive part of the language learning with vocabulary adquisition on its basis. There is also a section in eah unit focused on Pronunciation. The B2.1 book can be separately studied from the B2.2 as they DEAL with two parts of the same unit split in two to help students get more practice to achieve the B2 certificate.

PREU: 22,83 €